When two people announce their plans to divorce, those that know them can often only speculate.

In recent days, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have been the high-profile couple going through exactly that.

The ‘Brangelina’ break up is a big one, affecting the couple and their six children. Media speculation has suggested that the break-up may be due to differences in parenting styles, an affair or substance abuse.

The issues leading up to a divorce decision may be numerous. Often, a number of small things build up until a couple can no longer stay together. Sometimes, one bigger issue is the reason for divorce, such as the discovery of an extramarital affair.

Matrimonial surveillance

If you are the one considering a divorce, or if you perhaps have concerns that your partner could be cheating on you, then matrimonial surveillance could help you to separate your own fact from fiction. After all, it’s sometimes the case that even the two in the relationship do not really understand what’s going on!

Even concerns about an affair, that may or may not turn out to be valid, can be enough to break up a marriage.

If you believe your partner’s cheating, the lack of trust and ensuing arguments could damage the relationship to a point beyond repair.

Often, it doesn’t even matter whether an affair has actually taken place!

Relationships take more than hard work

Relationships take work. That’s true, but not the whole picture.

Even working at a relationship may not be enough if one person has a secret, or if one person has doubts that they simply can’t get past.

If you do reach the point of divorce, then it is absolutely vital that you go into your divorce proceedings with a clear head and only the facts.

Matrimonial surveillance, from Preston private investigators including EJM Investigations, could help you to make the right choices.