Filming is currently taking place for a ‘Victorian’ special episode of Sherlock, featuring actor Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes. Holmes might be the most famous private investigator or private detective of all, and his story is a timeless classic.

Modern (and, for that matter, real) private investigators share many traits with Sherlock Holmes. Whilst the stories are made up and the character is over-exaggerated, here are three traits that private investigators share with the Baker Street resident.

“Elementary” Reasoning

Sherlock Holmes is known for solving crimes using his incredible power of reasoning. He notices clues that others miss, or that don’t seem relevant, and pieces together those clues to create a story using the evidence and knowledge available. He called it “elementary” – basic, or simple. In reality, the reasoning and sequencing required to solve a crime isn’t “elementary” at all, yet private investigators do use their knowledge and experience to notice important details and to work out the ‘story’.


Over the years, Holmes has made some very impressive connections. The TV series shows him having an underground network of homeless people that are able to provide him with information and work as his eyes around London, whilst at the other end of the scale he’s shown to have friends in high places and to be well connected at Buckingham Palace. It’s important that a private investigator has a network of connections, also. A private investigator’s connections aren’t necessarily the same as the connections of Sherlock Holmes, but investigators do work with others to maximise their success when it’s necessary.


Holmes is always working. Even between cases, he’s analysing every situation and looking out for unusual behaviours and things that are out of place. Real private investigators are just as committed to their cases and their clients, often having to work long and unsociable hours to trace missing people, find evidence of moonlighting or carry out surveillance. EJM Investigations is no exception, but it’s all part of the job when you’re working with clients that need best private investigators in Blackburn and beyond!