Cohabitation investigations
Cohabitation investigations

There are many reasons why you might want to know if someone is really living alone. You could be:

  • Making sure that they’re not claiming more benefits than they’re entitled to.
  • Checking that a new romantic partner isn’t already in a long-term relationship.

But, how do you know if somebody really lives alone?

  • What can a private investigator do?

A private investigator can offer cohabitation surveillance. They’ll watch the property,  even obtaining photograph or video evidence of any frequent visitors. They’ll be able to see if someone’s staying in the home overnight, or if your new partner already has a family of their own.

  • Should surveillance only happen once?

Circumstances can change, from week to week. Perhaps your new partner’s children, and the other parent, came to visit for a week. If they’re still on friendly terms, this might not mean that there’s anything untoward happening. But, during surveillance, the evidence would suggest that the property’s a family home.

A repeat visit can give you more confidence. You can see if the original surveillance was done in an unusual week, or if the situation is a more permanent thing.

A good private investigator will watch a house for roughly five days at once, to get a clear picture of who might be living inside. Then, they’ll suggest a return to gather more evidence before you take action.

  • Why choose a private investigator for cohabitation surveillance?

Where there’s money or romance involved, people are not always honest. Perhaps they want the best of both worlds – the stability of family life, with the excitement of a new relationship – or think that they can lie to get more money from the government.

Find out if someone’s not being honest about their living situation. Call Preston private investigators at EJM Investigations, on 01772 334 700.